Guardian Pro Features
Dash Controller
The dash control allows the user to shutdown and open the valve from inside the vehicles cab or on the equipment. This is very safe method to quickly and effectively shutdown the engine should it enter into a “Runway”.
RPM Shutdown
The Valve Control Unit (VCU) allows for each engine to be programmed at a predefined RPM, once the engine reaches this set RPM (to within 1 RPM) it will activate the Valve to shutdown.
air intake valve shutoff
The Valve Control Unit (VCU) allows for each engine to be programmed at a predefined RPM, once the engine reaches this set RPM (to within 1 RPM) it will activate the Valve to shutdown. The valve is a butterfly design with a silicone o-ring which ensures you get a positive seal every time it is used. We use a motor to control the valve so it is not able to move unless it is instructed to do so by the user.
Air Intake Valve Shutdown, Stop/Run from inside the cab, RPM Shutdown, RPM test, PTO Guard™ Shutdown Mode, Pull to Ground, Event Logging, Auto Cycling. As well as offering all of the Guardian Basic model features, the Guardian Pro model is equipped with more advanced features which provide a wider range of protection.

Event Logging
The Pro model offers access to real-time logs of the DTI Guardian Safety System which provides you with the ultimate in liability protection and the ability to check which operators are regularly testing the system, and why the valve has closed. In order to access the logs you simply connect to the Guardian safety systems VCU to a laptop connection, then download the event log for the units maintenance and compliance logs to keep in their file.
Auto Cycling
DTI was first to introduce the auto cycle feature to the market. Diesel engines have an increased carbon build up in their intake systems due to the introduction of EGR and DPF systems which the auto cycling feature helps to keep the valve clear of.
Inputs + Outputs
The DTI Guardian System has been designed to receive multiple auxiliary inputs, all of which can be monitored and set to shutdown the system if set levels are reached.Examples of the Inputs and Outputs are being able to monitor the H2S levels,Pressure levels, Vibration levels and Temperature levels. These Inputs and Outputs are added components to our Valve system, therefore working with our Engineering team you can build a custom valve to suit your needs.
Other Products

Guardian Basic
The Guardian Basic is our entry level Guardian Safety System with Dash Control and RPM Shutdown which offers superior protection in comparison with other air intake shut off valves in the market today.

Guardian Elite
The Guardian Elite Model has all the same great features as the Guardian Basic and Guardian Pro. In addition, it offers an even greater level of safety, handheld RF remote control shutdown, and master shutdown capabilities.